Fitness Training For Longer and Healthier Lives
Fitness training is a type of exercise program that increases strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. It consists of many different types of exercises and may include weights, bodyweight, resistance bands, or other equipment. It is usually done for a period of time, such as one to five days a week, and can be either moderate or high intensity. Performing these exercises will help you achieve the goal of living longer and healthier.
There are several factors to consider when designing a fitness training program, including the client’s goals, age and current health and fitness level. For example, younger clients can typically handle a more challenging workout than older ones. A trainer also needs to take into account any injuries or underlying health issues that could limit a client’s performance during a workout.
A complete fitness training program should consist of aerobic and strength-training exercises. Aerobic exercise burns calories and helps maintain cardiovascular fitness, while strength-training helps shape and build muscles. A combination of both will provide the best results. Strength-training sessions are typically performed in the gym, while cardiovascular workouts can be done at home or on a treadmill.
When choosing a weight for strength-training sessions, it’s important to choose a level that challenges the muscles, but allows you to perform each repetition with good form. A common formula is to use a weight that tires the muscle or muscles by the last two repetitions, which is called your maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Then, gradually increase the weight. However, be cautious when increasing the weight, as too much can lead to injury.
Flexibility and balance-training exercises are also important to include in a fitness training program. These exercises can help improve the range of motion of joints and help with balance, which is essential for good posture. Adding these exercises can also help reduce stress and anxiety.
If you are looking to turn recreational activities, such as swimming or biking, into fitness training, then signing up for a competition or joining a swim team can help. This will give you a goal to work toward, which can be motivating to keep up your training.
Keeping your motivation up is key to success with any fitness routine. A personal trainer can help with this by scheduling regular appointments to meet with a client, which can serve as a commitment. A professional trainer can also offer guidance with technique and provide feedback on how well a client is performing each exercise. A trainer can also help clients create a comprehensive workout plan, which can be helpful to those who are new to exercise. This can include details on how to properly execute each exercise, such as how many repetitions to do, which weight to use and how much rest is needed between sets. A trainer can also help with setting realistic expectations for the amount of progress that can be made over a given time frame. This can help avoid people giving up and returning to a more sedentary lifestyle.