A Silver Kiddush Cup

Silver is one of the best materials to use for a kiddush cup because it has anti-bacterial properties. In addition, it is also highly reflective which creates a beautiful look. It was mined first by man in the ancient times and a lot of it can be found in Jerusalem where the holiest place on earth according to Jewish belief is located today.

Kiddush is a religious ceremony that takes place on sabbath or holidays to sanctify shabbat and all special occasions by drinking wine. The wine is poured into a special individualized cup for each person and the words of kiddush are said over it. The cup can not be crafted out of disposable material and it has to be in perfect condition so people don’t contaminate their hands with non-kosher liquids.

Traditionally the cup is crafted out of gold or silver but there are also some that are made out of pewter, fine china, and even pottery. Often they will be decorated with grapes and other fruit to symbolise the wine that is used to make kiddush. They will also have other decorative symbols such as stars of David and lions that are associated with the Jewish faith.

A silver kiddush cup is very important for most Jews and it is a nice gift to give to someone who has just become married or celebrated their son’s bar mitzvah. It can be engraved with family names words of blessing to god or various other designs that are unique to each fountains

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