Conversion Gallon Per Minute
Gallon per minute (GPM) is a unit of volume flow rate. This tool converts GPM to other units of volume and flow rate, including cubic feet per minute, liters per second, cubic meters per hour, and more. This calculator is useful for water engineers, plumbers, hydrologists, farmers, and anyone who needs to convert volumes or flows between Metric and US Units.
To calculate a GPM rate get a container and time how many seconds it takes to fill with water. For best accuracy, use the same container a few times and average the results. Once you have the time in seconds, convert the volume of the container to gallons (bucket’s capacity). Divide the volume by the seconds expressed in decimal form and multiply by 60 to get your GPM rate.
GPM rates are typically expressed in US gallons (US gal, gal/min) or in Metric gallons (liters/min, LPM). Our tool provides conversion between these two units as well as a variety of other common water measurement units such as CFM, AFA, and CFS.
To use our gallons per minute calculator, enter your volume in the first field and select the water flow unit at the top of the form. Then click “Calculate”. The converted expression will appear in the last field. If you want to recalculate with a different water flow unit, simply reset the calculator by clicking the reload button next to it. The calculator is also compatible with most mobile devices. gpm to lpm