Conservatory Cleaning
In order to keep your conservatory in tip top condition, you will need to clean it. Regular cleaning will reduce the need for maintenance as dirt can cause discolouring and corrosion and in some cases cause pieces of your conservatory to fail.
Most conservatories are quite large and cleaning can be quite time consuming, My advice would be to break the cleaning process down into smaller more manageable tasks, an example would be Job 1 clean glass, Job 2 clear guttering of debris, Job 3 clean framework etc. To break the jobs down further you can break them into inside and outside tasks.
Without a shadow of a doubt cleaning the outside of a conservatory is the most time consuming. The following cleaning procedures should be considered
1. Removing plant material (leaves, twigs etc.) from gutters, this type of material can severely limit surface drainage, providing a moisture rich environment for moss and algae, and in severe cases if left unattended this can lead to panels and roofs moving.
2. Cleaning the roof. The roof of your conservatory takes a beating from the elements, rain , wind snow and ice can all carry small particles of dirt, which over time, build up reducing the light into you conservatory. this is also the perfect breeding ground for algae, this will give your conservatory an unattractive green coat, again reducing your light and over time affecting the structure.
3. Cleaning the glass. `the window of your conservatory will become dirty just like the windows on the rest of your home and should be cleaned accordingly.
4. Cleaning the framework. Overtime the framework of your conservatory will pick up dirt and grim, and should be cleaned at regular intervals this will help to keep that gleaming “new” look.
5. The internal framework and glass in some environments is subject to much harsher conditions than the external. Many of the pollutants are much more concentrated when compared to those outside. If you live in a house where someone smokes your conservatory can be exposed to enormous amounts of smoke and nicotine. This when left over an extended period of time can leave a unsightly yellow stain.
When cleaning your safety should be at the forefront of your mind. There is good chance you could be working at height. Make sure you use the correct equipment for the task in hand and do not attempt anything you are unsure of.
If you don’t have the correct equipment fro the job, please don’t even attempt any of the tasks mentioned. There are many conservatory cleaning companies out there, who can provide a thorough and professional service. conservatory roof replacement