Getting to Know You With Good Ice Breaker Questions

When your team meets in person or over video chat, good ice breaker questions help everyone get to know each other a bit better. These tried-and-true questions range from a simple “What is your favorite food?” to more creative ones like, “How would you describe the sun in one word?” or “If you were a fashion trend, what would you be?”

For virtual meetings that focus on work, icebreaker questions can be about professional topics, like company goals, challenges, or future plans. These can be helpful in keeping attendees on track and engaged for the duration of your meeting.

Mirka Chromkova, Slido Customer Success Manager Team Lead, uses icebreakers often when her fully remote team gets together for a meeting. She says that these types of questions help them bond, especially since they’re fun and personal.

Getting to know you questions are great for people who don’t know each other well or those who have worked together long enough that they’re familiar with each other’s professional background. These questions ask your teammates to share details about themselves that can be interesting and insightful, such as, “What was the worst piece of advice a boss ever gave you?” or “If you could have any career related superpower, what would it be?”

Some icebreakers aren’t necessarily based on facts and can be humorous, like asking your team if they prefer Bashful or Doc from Snow White. These kinds of questions can be fun, lighthearted, and easy to answer.

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