How to Ask For a Raise

When you’re ready to ask for a raise, be prepared to make your case in a thoughtful and convincing manner. This will require you to do some research and document your achievements. Make sure your case is backed by facts and figures, such as statistical data and awards/accolades you’ve received. It’s also helpful to include examples of how your work has impacted the company. This might include things such as “You increased sales by 23% last year” or “Your new process has saved the team time and effort”.

Be aware of how your company’s financial situation impacts salary increases. If the company is experiencing a slowdown or is dealing with budget cuts, your boss may be reluctant to give you more money. It’s important to build a strong case that you are worth the extra money and are in it for the long haul.

It’s also a good idea to have some credible industry salary research in your back pocket, whether it’s through online resources such as PayScale and Glassdoor or from direct conversations with peers in your field. Be sure to include information such as your job title, years of experience and geographic location in order to get an accurate valuation. Having this information will ensure that you’re not overselling or underselling yourself and can help your boss determine if you are worth the investment. If you’re unable to get the raise you want, be prepared to offer up other alternatives like additional vacation days or a four-day work week. How to ask for a raise

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