How to Create a Youtube Playlist

A youtube playlist is a group of videos that you can use to organize and present your content in a unique way. You can create multiple playlists on your channel, and each one can have its own theme or genre. For example, you can create a playlist of all your best-performing videos to promote them or a collection of all the music you’ve listened to over the years. Playlists can also be used to promote similar or unrelated videos on your channel.

You can access your YouTube playlists by clicking on the Library button in the bottom right corner of your screen. You can select a playlist and see all the details: the name, visibility, last updated and number of videos. The pencil icon allows you to edit the playlist details (except privacy settings). You can also add a description for your playlist, which is a good idea so that the title and description of your video appear together in search results.

To add a video, click on the Add Videos option. Then, you can either search for a video on YouTube or paste a video URL. Once you’ve added a video, you can move it up or down in the playlist by dragging it on its thumbnail. You can also adjust the running order by clicking on the double dash icon to the left of each video thumbnail and dragging it until you’re happy with the ordering.

When you’re done creating a playlist, you can share it with others by selecting the three dots menu and choosing Collaborate. This will generate a link that you can share on social media or other platforms.

Once you’ve shared a playlist, anyone who has the link will be able to see it. However, you can set a playlist to be private so that only you can view it. If you want to make it public, you’ll need to change the privacy setting from your profile settings.

Adding a video to a playlist will send a signal to YouTube that this is a relevant video to show to users. It will then place it in the appropriate position based on its relevance and popularity. For example, if you have a video on how to do a particular activity and another related video that has more views, the more popular video will be shown at the top of the search results.

Playlists can also be created to target specific keywords. For example, if you have tagged your videos with a certain keyword, you can create a playlist that includes those videos and then share it on social media to drive traffic. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Sprout Social to identify keywords and determine which videos are getting the most views or new subscribers, and then create a playlist of those videos.

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