How to Make Money Off YouTube – You Can Do It

How to make money off YouTube is something that many people do not actually understand. That is a sad fact since YouTube offers really great opportunities to make money. As I was researching about profiting with YouTube, I found some very interesting statistics. Did you know that YouTube videos get over one billion views every day? Did you also know that the popular videos get more than a thousand views every day? These numbers show how great a potential to make money YouTube offers.

Most people can see the potential but since they do not know how to make money off YouTube, they just watch while others do it. This article is designed to help you partake of the great opportunity. It is important to be clear here that anyone can learn how to make money off YouTube. Let’s explore some of the ways in which you too can make money from this website.

1. Marketing your website

If you have a business website, you understand that more traffic translates to more customers thus more profit. YouTube is a great way of driving more traffic to your website. It is very simple. You just need to make a short video promoting your website or its products and upload it on YouTube. You are then allowed to include a description to that video in which you can include a link to your website. If people like your video, they will probably click through to your website, and you get the desired traffic.

2. Affiliate adverts

You can also earn money from YouTube by running advertisements from affiliate companies on your videos. To make this more profitable, you can have a website featuring YouTube content. You can then run affiliate programs and advertisements on that website and earn from it.

3. Direct adverts

To benefit from direct advertising, you need to earn yourself a good following by constantly uploading useful videos about your niche on YouTube. Other websites would be ready to pay you just to run their adverts on your videos. Alternatively, if you have popular videos, you too can have direct averts running on them and you earn money from that.

4. Get paid for reviewing products

Have you ever wondered how to make money off YouTube through product reviews? This is how simple it is. Again you first need to have a good following. You then get requests to do a product review from different companies. You make a simple video with the description and benefits of the product. You then include a link to the website producing the product so that they can buy from there. You earn a commission for doing that.

Learning how to make money off YouTube is easier than you may have thought. You simply have to get over being camera shy.

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