Le Coupe Legumes

Le Coupe legumes est un accessoire multi-functional qui permet de couper facilement les legumes en tranches uniformes et précis. Il peut aussi faire sorte de préparations de pâte et de salades, ainsi que des frites, d’oignons et certains fromages. Avec ce produit, vous pouvez réaliser vos préparatifs préférés en moins de trois secondes. Simple à utiliser, efficace et polyvalent, celui-ci est un choix indispensable pour tout amateur de cuisine désireux de gagner du temps dans la préparation de ses repas.

Legumes (Pisum sativum and other leguminous plants) are important plant-based protein sources with a high dietary fibre content. They are also rich in minerals and vitamins, notably folates, vitamin C and niacin. In addition, they contain less fat than a serving of meat and offer many health benefits such as reduced cardiovascular disease risk, lower cholesterol, and blood pressure, among others.

In recent years, interest has been growing in the use of legume proteins as alternative substitutes for dairy, egg and wheat proteins. However, the technical performance of legume proteins in food applications is limited by their low dispersibility and solubility, which imposes limitations on their technological functionalities such as emulsifying, gelling and whipping.

Several technologies have been developed to improve these properties including extrusion, high temperature treatment, solvent-type and various other modifying technologies. However, a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing techno-functionality and the effects of these processes is required. In particular, more research efforts should be dedicated to identifying the physicochemical characteristics that are most influential on legume proteins and how they may be modified using different processing treatments.

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