Careprost Eyelash Growth
The Careprost eyelash growth is a special serum that enhances the length and density of your natural lashes. It is safe to use and can be applied twice daily. You will start to see results after just a few weeks. The serum works by stimulating the eyelash follicles to increase hair growth. The product contains bimatoprost which is a man-made compound designed to mimic certain natural lipids that are found in the human body. Bimatoprost has been scientifically tested and approved by the FDA as a safe eyelash enhancement medication.
The best time to apply careprost is before bedtime, as the medication will work well during the night. You should also make sure that you do not get any of the solution on your lower eyelids. This can cause the medication to have a different effect on your lashes and may not give you the desired result. The eye drops should only be applied to the upper eyelid where your lashes meet your skin.
Some side effects of careprost can include itching and eye redness, but these should not last for long and should only occur in about 4% of users. If you experience these side effects, speak to your doctor immediately. The eye drops should only be used as instructed by your doctor. You must not share the medicine with others as it can lead to infection. You should also keep the medicine in a cool and dry place and out of reach of children. careprost eyelash growth